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A Delightful Bite: Spinach Feta Stuffed Crescents


Looking for a quick and easy appetizer that's both delicious and visually appealing? Look no further than Spinach Feta Stuffed Crescents! These delightful bites are bursting with flavor and texture, making them perfect for parties, potlucks, or a satisfying after-school snack.


  • The Flaky Base:
    • 2 cans (8 ounces each) refrigerated crescent rolls – the foundation for these easy-to-use pockets of goodness
  • The Savory Filling:
    • 4 ounces feta cheese crumbles – a salty and tangy cheese that adds a delightful bite
    • 4 ounces shredded mozzarella cheese – provides a creamy and melty contrast to the feta
    • 3 ounces spinach, fresh or frozen – a healthy and vibrant green addition, offering a touch of bitterness
    • 2 ounces black olives, diced – adds a salty and briny element with pops of black throughout the filling
    • ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional) – a touch of heat for those who like a little kick
  • The Binding Agent and Finishing Touch:
    • 1 egg white, beaten – helps seal the crescent dough and creates a shiny golden brown crust after baking


  1. Preparing the Filling: In a large mixing bowl, combine the chopped spinach, diced black olives, crumbled feta cheese, shredded mozzarella cheese, and red pepper flakes (if using). Using a spoon or spatula, mix everything together until well incorporated.
  2. Unveiling the Flaky Layers: Open both cans of crescent dough and carefully separate them into triangles. These triangles will be the base for your delicious pockets.
  3. Filling Up the Fun: Take a spoonful of the prepared spinach and feta mixture and place it near the wide end of a crescent dough triangle. Don't overload the crescents, or they might burst during baking.
  4. The Rolling Magic: Gently but firmly roll up the crescent dough triangle, starting from the wide end with the filling towards the pointed end. This encloses the filling and creates a beautiful crescent shape.
  5. Preparing for Baking: Preheat your oven to the temperature specified on the crescent roll package instructions. Lightly grease a baking sheet to prevent sticking. Place the prepared crescent rolls seam-side down on the baking sheet, leaving a little space between them for even baking.
  6. The Golden Touch: In a small bowl, whisk the egg white until foamy. Using a pastry brush, lightly brush the tops of each crescent roll with the egg white. This helps create a beautiful golden brown crust during baking.
  7. Baking to Perfection: Pop the baking sheet with the crescent rolls into the preheated oven and bake for 15 minutes, or until golden brown and the filling is heated through. Keep an eye on them to avoid over-browning.
  8. Serving Up Smiles: Once baked, take the Spinach Feta Stuffed Crescents out of the oven and let them cool slightly before serving. Enjoy them warm for the best melty cheese experience!


  • Spinach Options: If using frozen spinach, make sure to thaw it completely and squeeze out any excess moisture before adding it to the filling.
  • Customization is Key: Feel free to experiment with different fillings! You can add cooked chopped ham or chicken for extra protein, or crumbled cooked sausage for a more savory twist.
  • Leftovers: Leftover Spinach Feta Stuffed Crescents can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. Reheat them in a preheated oven at 350°F (175°C) for a few minutes until warmed through. The texture of the crescent dough might not be as flakey, but they will still be delicious.
